Nunchaku best site in Romania


"Motto" of nunchaku : Hit without being hit!
by Me
  -c o n t a c t   me
  -history of the weapon
  -The  CHAKU
  -Bruce Lee

  -my opinion on Nunchaku

  King of self-defence!




You have to do it on our own trainings to see its opportunities and I  am sure you will love it !


            By steadily improving the techniques of the use of this weapon through daily training, you will get not only a great self confidence but also a better mental health through the many exercises proposed. Thus will help you better fight the stress with which we are confronted through busy and unsafe social life of our days.

          The steady effort and perseverence in this weapon techniques will fortify you physically and mentally.

          Nunchaku has all the characteristics to make it a ally on all occasions, being apparantly harmless, easy to hide and carry,but handled with the right speed and force, can ravage any aggressor (including dogs) armed or not. This weapon can be used with utmost efficiency in case of blocade that require a hard area of reception ( for example the atack of an aggressor armed with a club or a crowbar).

          The possibility to use nunchaku increases your chances of winning a street fight. This does not mean you must become dependent on it, on the contrary learning the art of using it means learning how to defend against it and how to develop your "true" reflexes!

           The main aim of training in the use of this weapon is to develop the instincts of defence, muscles, concentrations and the force of the hit.Nunchaku is considered a ko-budo.     


     Create your own technique, if you try to imitate, you will certainly be wrong . Create for yourself!   [:-)

